TV appearance on WDR by Eike Musall


Our project coordinator Eike Musall had an appearance on the local public broadcaster WDR. In the programme Lokalzeit Düsseldorf, he was asked about his opinion on a housing project with a car-sharing concept:

«Especially for the last mile in rural areas, car-sharing could become interesting. If I drive home from the train station with the e-scooter and no longer have to use a private car.»

He was also asked what climate-friendly housing will look like in the future:

«It will be more differentiated. We will no longer pursue the quest for more space everywhere. Many people will reduce to the bare essentials and share more. They will perhaps share the guest room or the office in the house community and no longer want to own everything alone.»

In this context, Eike also mentions our team MIMO:

«We are currently working on a project with several faculties of our university where we have investigated this and are also incorporating it into a housing concept. In this house many parties are coming together who also share certain things among themselves

Eike Musall on TV in WDR Lokalzeit Düsseldorf

Finally, the moderator asked what materials are used in climate-friendly housing, and whether it is always wood:

«There is certainly nothing wrong with relying on wood. But wood is also only available in limited quantities. We have to be careful how much we build at all and at which point we use which material sustainably.»

Living room with Eike Musall on the TV@anabella_ku