We have won the CESA Award – the first of 10 awards of the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22. We made the 1st place in the category Communication, Education & Social Awareness.
The basis for the award is all the preliminary work done over the past 2 years in areas such as public relations, corporate design, website, social media, educating ourselves and the public and raising awareness of relevant issues. In addition, the speed peer reviews on Friday were taken into account. Finally, the CESA jury visited the teams in their buildings on Saturday, where each team had 20 minutes to convince the jury of their CESA and Public Tour concept.
This team had all aspects of the communications contest, education and social awareness extremely well done. Excellent Website. The presentation addressed all ages and all groups. Great educational efforts. Impressive materials. When you walked in, you didn’t need anybody there, you just kinda where overwhelmed by the communication just coming right out of the house.
Jury of the CESA-Award – Richard King
The jury consisted of the founder of the SDE Richard King, the architect and scientist DI Dr. Karin Stieldorf from the TU Vienna and the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine Detail Jakob Schoof.
Great work by the whole communication team!